Hello, I'm Tommaso!

Hello, my name is Tommaso Diotalevi, I currently live in Bologna but my origins are from a small town in the Marche region called Candelara. I was born the 27th of May 1993 in the city of Urbino, one of the centers of the Italian renaissance and - from 1998 - inserted in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.
Education and training
- In 2012 I obtained the Scientific High School Diploma
at the Scientific High School "G.Marconi" in Pesaro.
- In 2015 I obtained the Bachelor
degree in Physics cum laude at the University of
- In 2016 I attended the CERN Summer Student Programme,
with a project named "Analysing
CMS transfers using Machine Learning techniques".
- In 2018 I obtained the Master
degree in Physics cum laude at the
university of Bologna.
- In 2018 I attended the CNAF Technological Summer Student
fellowship program, focusing on the Collection of system logs
and the development of a prototypal Analytics service using the
Elastic Stack Suite.
From 2018 I am a PhD
student in Physics at the University of Bologna
and a member of the INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear and
Subnuclear Physics).
Academic and working experience
- From 2016 I am a member of the CMS
Collaboration (Compact Muon Solenoid), at the
European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva
- From 2019 I became an associated member at CERN in
- From 2020 I co-operate in the activities of the CSN-5
"ML_INFN" (Approach end-to-end in the usage of Machine
Learning for INFN research lines), coordinated by Prof.
Daniele Bonacorsi, focusing on Machine and Deep Learning
modelling, DL on FPGA and predictive maintenance.
- From November 2019 since January 2020, I worked as a business
consultant for the Oper CBI project in Bologna.
Teaching Activity
I performed teaching activity as a Tutor in the following courses:
- "Software and Computing for High Energy Physics"
in 2019, at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the
Bologna University.
- "General Physics I" in 2020, course of study
"Laurea in Ingegneria dell'automazione e dell'energia
- "Applied Machine Learning - Advanced" in 2020,
course of study "Laurea Magistrale in Bioinformatics".